Excitement and Adventure

In my opinion, a successful student departure from the classroom would go roughly as follows:

*When (and only when) called by a teacher, gather all belongings, including your lunchbox and homework, and even that project you've left here for three days.
*Pause momentarily at another group's table to pick up and throw away the crumpled paper towel that had been left out, out of strong concern for the cleanliness of the classroom as a whole.
*Turn and wave silently (a wink would do, too), without disrupting anyone else still in the room.
*Exit classroom.

On Friday, Kia enacted her version of a successful departure, that went approximately like this:



*Exit classroom.

As she neared completion of step 3 of Operation Broadway Exit, I sat shaking my head.

image: www.nicegfx.com
"Just.  Walk.   Out.  Quietly....." I coached, wondering if this was just too much to ask.  After a long week, quiet was high on my list of preferred states of being.  PeacefulCalm.  Also high on the list.

"But then there's no excitement and adventure!" Kia exclaimed, revealing her own list of preferred outcomes.

I supposed that singing and dancing your way out the door does add a touch of excitement and adventure to a mundane routine.  But by the end of a Friday afternoon, I've usually had just about all the excitement and adventure I can handle for one week!

1 comment:

Miss Angel said...

The kids in the classroom where I student teach are always leaving the room for related services, mainstreaming, and specials, and many of them also believe in making dramatic entrances and exits!!!

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