
It happens even the best of parents sometimes.  Meant to get to school on time but....."We found Carli's hamster dead."

And it happens to bloggers too.  Meant to get a new post up but......"Brother peed pants."  Oh, no--wait.  That's another one from the "Best Tardy Excuses" archives.

Can you tell which excuses are which?  All are real, by the way.

Parent's Tardy Excuse or My Blog Non-Posting Excuse?

1. Cleaning bathtub
2. Hair trauma
3. Monday!
4. Had some Arrested Development episodes that weren't going to watch themselves
5. Brother had to poop at 8:30.
6. 2 tantrums before 8 am
7. Didn't feel like it
8. Dog jumped in car.
9. Too busy reading about possible government shutdown
10. Glove controversy
11. Nice weather
12. Nothing sufficiently hilarious happened.
13. We were up late.  School is early.
14. Got out of normal routines during standardized testing week
15. Incompetent, unreliable parents
16. Doin' stuff
17. Low morale

Actual tardy excuses from school:  2, 5, 6, 8, 10, 13, 15
Actual blog non-posting excuse: 1, 4, 7, 9, 11, 12, 14, 16
Both: 3, 17

(Thank you, McSweeney's, for the list format idea.)

Do you have any great excuses you've gotten?


JoAnna said...

Me, slighting uppity and almost yelling: Well, why weren't you here on Monday when it was due?

Her just as uppity and yelling: Because I was in the hospital because my mother was having her baby

Me, still uppity and yelling: well, I did not know that. Congratulations.

Her, still yelling and uppity: thank you!

Me, snickering but still uppity and yelling: well, what did you name her?

Her, still yelling but not sure why: Sophia

Me: well, that's a nice name

Still doesn't explain why she couldn't come to school. She's 14. I'm sure her mother is thinking it's good birth control. I think French is more important. But, whatever.

Sarah Garb said...

You gotta love a good uppity, yelled, "Congratulations." ;)

Sarah said...

Great list! I can especially relate to number 12 (Come on, kids, DO something! I've got a blog to write!!) :D

We are NOT Joking Around, Here

This summer I have been getting lots of advice on the impending baby situation that will be happening this fall.   Highlights of this advi...